About Ascent Counselling
Why “Ascent” Counselling
"Ascent Counselling" holds significance in my life here in Calgary, and with my life growing up in the Cayman Islands.
Growing up, one of my favourite past times was learning to snorkle, and then scuba dive, in the Caribbean Sea. I eventually went on to become a Scuba Dive Master, where I would take tourists on underwater tours, having awe-inspiring, almost otherworldly experiences. However, one cannot remain submerged indefinitely. Eventually, we must ascend to the surface due to air limitations or the risk of decompression sickness.
Skip forward to my life in Canada where my wife’s family first took me on a hike. I initially disliked the process but relished the workout and the natural surroundings. However, as we reached the summit, I experienced an epiphany. That breathtaking view of the mountains and the sky made all the effort worthwhile. It distracted me from the pain in my legs and the pounding in my heart.
Reflecting on my deep diving and mountain top experiences has shown me parallels in working alongside individuals in their counselling journey and "Ascent" started to make perfect sense for my business name. It encapsulates my role in helping people overcome their problems and struggles, offering support, and equipping them with the tools needed to reach the summit of their metaphorical "mountain." In this process, they can not only appreciate the view but also look back on their past challenges and recognize their growth.
My heart resonates with these two metaphors—the climb up a mountain and the ascent from the depths of the ocean. I see "Ascent Counselling" as a means to walk alongside marriages, engaged couples, individuals, and families, empowering them to ascend and rise above their obstacles.
My counselling philosophy revolves around a collaborative approach guided by profound respect for the dignity and uniqueness of each person, couple, or family. I firmly believe that counselling is an emotional, relational, and spiritual journey, where people come together in the hope of finding healing, guided by a faith in something greater than themselves.
My core belief is in the importance of building relationships, shifting from a focus on curing to caring, from control to connection, from being an expert to becoming partners, and from holding power over to sharing power with the couples, individuals, or families I work with.