Counselling for Couples, Families & Individuals

A collaborative & empowering approach to overcoming the challenges you’re facing.

Marriage Counselling

Every good marriage experiences challenges. How you respond to these challenges is what determines the future enjoyment of this relationship.

Engaged couple smiling on couch together in pre-marriage counselling office

Pre-Marriage Counselling

Start your marriage with the tools to succeed! There is so much joy to be had in a marriage where a strong and intentional foundation has been laid. A good foundation doesn’t come without some work.

Teen talking about his life to a counsellor

Parents & Teen Counselling

Giving teens a safe & supportive place to be vulnerable is the goal. Communicating with teens can be like speaking a new language, but collaboration between teens and parents helps to bridge the gap.


Meet Fernando

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a passionate person. From my love of my home country, of Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands, and the seas that surround it, to my adopted country of Canada, and it’s most popular sport, of which I’ve never played, but follow extremely close.

But more importantly than these is my love for God, people, and faith and the connections between them.

Our Holistic Approach

As people, we are interconnected in that we are all emotional, relational & spiritual beings. Consequently, my approach in how I journey alongside clients is in helping them connect to their emotions, engage in healthy relationships and live out their spirituality (i.e. their relationship with God and others).


People are emotional beings in that we all feel. We all experience joy, excitement, sadness, anger, jealousy, and fear. How we express it may look different, but we all have emotions. It is ok to feel all emotions. It is what we do with them that matters.


We are relational beings as we were created to be in relationship with God and with others. People are fundamentally relational creatures. We run into problems or struggles when we try to be self sufficient. But we are “dependent beings” with a need for relationship, community and impact.


We are spiritual beings as everything we think and do is spiritual. It is not something separate from normal life. Just as we are seen as spiritual beings, we are also emotional beings and relational beings. These are all interconnected. Therefore as a counsellor and clients we must engage these 3 areas together and show how they impact each other.

Let’s Start the Conversation